Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Week 1 Weigh-in

I don't know where time has gone. Each day has gone by so fast that I haven't been able to post. This morning is a nice lazy morning so I figured as I sit here cuddling with my 3 year old son, that I could sneak a post in.

Yesterday was weigh/measure day! My husband and I were all sorts of excited to see how much just a weeks worth of efforts did. We started out with weighing. Adam had hidden the scale for the week so we wouldn't see it sitting there and be tempted to weigh. So we had no idea what to expect. He made me go first-of course haha. I step on all excited. Then the number shows up...

1 lb lost...

Well, that was disappointing. I felt discouraged. Especially since I thought that I looked like I was losing weight. Must have been all in my mind.

Next, Adam...

1.6 lbs lost...

Well, he lost almost a pound more than I did. He too was a bit disappointed.

Then on to measuring. First I measured my upper chest (above the breasts) and I had lost .75 inches! Then onto my arms- no change. I started feeling discouraged again. Then I measured my waist- right around my belly button...

2 inches lost!!! That right there made me excited and that my efforts were paying off.

My hips lost half an inch, and my thighs didn't lose anything. But I lost a total of 3.25 inches. So I felt rather happy about that.

Now, Adam's turn. I will let him fill you in on the details with his own blog (click here to see it) which he is planning to update today. But he lost an impressive 7 inches!

What did I learn from this?? #1- hard work does pay off and #2- the scale isn't the best way to tell if you have lost weight. Because as you exercise, you will gain muscle to replace the fat. I used a body fat monitor too, and it showed I lost 3.4% body fat. So that measly 1 pound on the scale didn't matter.

It is crazy to be seeing the changes in my body. Just the other day, I put on a pair of exercise shorts that I haven't tried on in a couple months. The last time I put them on they were so tight that they gave me a wedgie (pretty picture right? haha), but when I put them on on Saturday, they were baggy!

My body is changing and getting stronger. It may be a slower process than I would like, but it is happening. I am not very patient. I want to just be strong now, toned now, at a healthy weight now. But if I could snap my fingers and be there already then I would miss all the things that you would normally learn on a journey. For there is always a lot to learn and see and enjoy on a journey. So I will make myself be patient....for now :)

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